Saturday, November 22, 2008

It is Saturday

We will be going home next Friday, the day after Thanksgiving. I love to travel but it is always good to get home. I am very glad that I was able to come back to Romania and see some of the wonderful people that I met the first time. I am looking forward to visiting my Mom in January.

Thanksgiving makes me feel like I should name all of my blessings. Of course there are too many to name all of them but the few that come to mind are named below. One of them is my loving Mom who helped to make me what I am today. There is also my husband who stands beside me no matter what. I am very lucky to be married to my best friend. My children are also a blessing. Each one is a unique and wonderful adult. I have a beautiful grandson who comes to spend some time with me each year or I go to him.

No matter how bad things get in my country, I know I am blessed to be an American. I live in the land of the free because of the brave men and women that keep it that way. I have the freedom to attend the church of my choice without fear. I don't have my rose colored glasses on and I am aware of the economic issues facing our country as well as the rest of the world, but I have faith in us to carry on and overcome the issues. It won't be easy, but we have pulled out before and will this time.

Monday, November 10, 2008


We have been here for a week. This past weekend we explored Adamclisi and it's museum and also Capidava. It was a real thrill to walk along the ruins from the ancient Roman fort and city. I noticed that they had done some more digging since we were here last spring. Romania is a country that has done well in preserving ancient history.

When I go to the store it feels like a treasure hunt. I can't read most of the labels but the pictures are pretty self explanatory. Some of the brands in the market are the same as we have in the States (Hellmann's, Nestles, Knorr). All of the eggs that I have found so far are brown, which I think is pretty funny since I used to pay a preium for them in the States.