Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Telcea, Romania

Well, no more sewing until I get home in May. The transformer that I use to convert my USA powered sewing machine to Romanian power fell and broke. This means my Double Delight quilt is at a stand still. I have already ordered one to be delivered home so when I come back in June I will be set again.

We spent last weekend in Telcea which is on the Danube Delta. We had such a good time and got some very good pictures. The only problem with a photo from a good trip is that it never really captures the feeling of wonder as seeing first hand does. We took a cruise on the Danube and were the only two people on the boat as it is off-season for them. This part of the delta is protected and there were so many birds that the noise they made was incredible. Some of them took off from the water and looked like they were running across the river. They made little wakes behind them until their legs cleared the water.

We went to the Museum of Natural History and were very impressed. They have an aquarium on the lower level which was really nice. The posters that told about the different exhibits were is 3 languages, one of which was English. Ass together, it was a delightful weekend.

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