Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Been a long time

A lot has happened since I last posted. We traveled home on May 2nd. It seemed that we were gone forever, but of course, it had only been 3 months and with the internet and phone there is contact with home folks. I wonder what it was like without the telephone. I remember when there was no internet or e-mail and SKYPE was unheard of. We seemed to get along just fine way back then. If you haven't used SKYPE I can recommend it. There is a free version that you can download from the internet. With SKYPE you can talk to anyone who also has SKYPE using your computer. You need a mic and if you and whoever you are calling have web cams you can see each other. I am still amazed who technology has made the world a much smaller place!

I was in the States for 4 weeks and during that time I traveled to California to visit my children and Mom. I made 2 round trips from Green Bay to San Francisco, the first one with my youngest daughter and the 2nd with my Mom. She came to visit for a week. My Mom is great, she is 86 years young and shares her home with my brother, his 3 children and his 6 grandchildren. It is a very full house!

While in California we had a wedding shower for Melissa, my middle child. She is to be married in September when Bruce and I return home and yes, her husband to be is a real sweetheart. I couldn't ask for a better son-in-law than Allen. This is one of the pictures that we took at Melissa's shower. The first row from left to right is Melissa, Leah, Manda, Bonnie and in the back from left to right is Jenn, Me, Mom and Karen (my older sister). Melissa, Leah, Manda, and Jenn are 4 of my 6 children and Bonnie is Karen's daughter.

We are back in Romania now. Today is our 18th wedding anniversary. We will be going out to dinner tonight to celebrate. I love to go out for dinner, not just because the food is good (and it really is good) but also there is no cleanup afterward! Good food - no cleanup, who could ask for more.

BTW, I am still working on Bonnie's quilt pattern, Double Delight. I will finish it, but I don't know when. I am also working on several other quilts at the same time. I will get pictures posted when as soon as I can.

Until next time - blessings to you all.

1 comment:

Arlene said...

Well, I see this was dated as Wednesday the 17th, but when I wrote it it was June 18th, which is our anniversary. We are 8 hours ahead of Central Time in Romania.