Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Quilts and Snow

It snowed yesterday here in Romania, well not as much as we get in Green Bay, but it was very pretty. I love snow days because everything gets really quiet and I have the desire to quilt. Making a quilt warms you twice, once when you are working on it and then you get to snuggle up under it. I love to see the patterns, sometimes it is not what I expected but the secondary pattern is usually interesting. The real fun comes when I get to 'play' with the blocks. I get a different pattern depending on how I set them together. It is a delight to twist and turn the blocks to see which pattern I like the most and how the finished quilt will look.

I have been working on Bonnie Hunter's Double Delight Mystery. Wow, what a lot of blocks I made and still have a bunch to make. They are 3 inches finished. I peeked, I could not wait to see the finished quilt. It really is worth the work and I can't wait until I am finished. I just love all of Bonnie's patterns and best of all, they are free. She is such a gracious person. I have put a link on the side of my blog to her instructions, but I would encourage you to look around her web site. She has a blog and there is a Yahoo group to discuss her quilts.

1 comment:

Tennye said...

I started a quilt with the exact same pink fabrics and white with pink several years ago. I could have been blown over with a feather when I saw your cut fabrics. I still have not completed that quilt. I had some problems so I put it aside, maybe I will get it out and work on it.