Thursday, February 3, 2011

February 2011

I must apologize for not writing in such a long time. It seems that the days just slip by so quickly the older I get. We have been traveling so much lately that I sometimes have to stop and take a breath to know where I am.

We made it home for Christmas, but I was worried that we wouldn't. It took us 3 and a half days due to weather. We had a lovely hotel in the Netherlands that is a Summer Resort but doesn't see many guests in the Winter. KLM bussed us over and took care of meals and lodging. We were stranded with the rest of the hotel guests so at least we were not alone in our adventure.

I am still working on the same quilt I have been working on for most of last year. I really need to find the time to sit and sew until it is finished.

We returned to Romania on January 31st and had a three cat welcoming committee. These 3 belong to the complex that we rent our flat and everyone seems to take care of them. 2 of them had to nap after the welcoming party that they threw for us.

Until next time, may God bless you and keep you safe.

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