Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Quilting Area in Romania

Today I am sharing the quilting space with you that I have in Romania. Here we have a small 1 bedroom flat so there isn't much room for quilting, but I do have my small travel sewing machine (Janome sew mini) and a travel iron which has a steam setting. I do miss my quilting studio at home with the wall to ceiling built in cabinets and all my lovely stash. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining as I am well aware that our accommodations could be much worse with no place to quilt. I think I'm just a bit homesick.

Yes, this is a chest freezer and it is right next to the counter where we eat because the lap-tops and sewing machine have taken up residents on our dining table.
Until next time we visit together,
May God bless you and keep you safe


Quilting Corner said...

Arlene, I just came upon your blog. I'm wondering what you are doing in Romania? How long will you be staying there?
Etty Robinson

Arlene said...

My husband works for the company that supplies the software and is working at the power plant in Cernavoda. This is our 3rd year here and should be done in October this year. It is a good place to be and I have met some wonderful people.