Saturday, March 5, 2011


Sorry if I seem too excited but I just got back from the market with some bacon! Well, it isn't really the same as the bacon we get it the States, but it is close. It isn't as cured or salty and it is extremely thin cut. I love bacon and egg sandwiches or BLT's when I can get lettuce, but getting lettuce is very difficult also. I am so spoiled and I didn't even know it. I found out how spoiled I am by living in Romania for the last 3 years. I plan my menu for the week but I may not be able to get all of the ingredients so I have learned to be flexible. There are so good things here that we don't have or command a higher price in the States. Brown eggs are the only eggs you can buy here and at home, if you can get them, are a much higher price than the white ones. Virgin olive oil and balsamic vinegar are very inexpensive here but command a higher price at home.

Well, I'm off to cook my bacon. There wasn't any lettuce so I guess it will be bacon and egg sandwich for lunch.

until next time
God Bless you

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