Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Snow again

It snowed again but it was just a dusting. This picture is what I see from my bedroom window. The trash can used to be under that staircase, but the neighbors built an enclosed storage there so now the can sits right by the stairs going down to the lower sidewalk and street.

I didn't sew on the weekend but plan on getting the last of the blocks done this week for the quilt that I have been working on. I have 25 blocks to finish so if I complete 5 a day, I should have enough to start sewing the top together next week. Then I have to decide what to do for the boarders. Did I mention in an earlier post that I must be the world slowest quilter? It seems that it takes me so long to finish a quilt, but then I really enjoy the process and feel a real sense of accomplishment when I put that last stitch on the binding. I usually sew my label into the binding on 2 sides so it is really secure.

My next challenge will be to count the number of pieced tops that I have at home and create the backs so I can finish them. That will have to wait until April when we get home. I also should count the number of kits and UFO's but I'm afraid to do that. I know I have many, many, many UFO's and PIG's. Did I mention that I have a real abundance of kits and UFO's? I have never formally joined a UFO challenge but maybe I should just to stay on top of them.

I did not do all the shopping for my stash and kits. I am one of the lucky ones that has a husband that loves to shop. He did a good portion of the buying. He also designs some of my quilts and has a much better sense of color than I do. I have learned to trust him when he says 'put that piece of this fabric in that quilt, you'll love it'. It always makes the quilt 'POP' but it was never a color that I would have chosen!

Well, back to the sewing machine
until next time
God Bless

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